Germany: ZusammenSpiel

About the project

Not all schools have access to sufficient resources. Their pupils have little access to sport or other free-time activities that foster their social competences. ‘Kickfair’, a partner organisation to terre des hommes, has developed a pedagogical concept that uses street football to encourage social and technical competences that pupils will need when they leave school for work and training.

In particular, pupils are enabled to build confidence in themselves and their abilities. On top of this, football is used as a common language to bring young people together from different cultures and to develop mutual understanding. The ‘ZusammenSpiel – Street Football for Good Interactions in Diversity’ is being offered to 800 pupils in Chemnitz, Dresden and Zwickau.


  • Street football in schools
  • Training of young people as street football mediators and arbiters
  • Exchange workshops and leisure activities for young people with various backgrounds and origins
  • Mentor programme: Older pupils are trained to be mentors for younger pupils
  • National and international exchange between street footballers
  • Anchoring the activities as a regular programme at the schools in the project

Project details

Start of project

Children and young people involved


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